Depositing a check is an easy and common process, but if the check is not properly prepared beforehand, the deposit could be longer and more involved than necessary. Check Elements Before making a deposit, make sure that the check you are depositing is valid. Carefully examine all of the entries on the front of the check. Are all blanks completed? Are they accurate and true? Does the financial institution accept checks of that age? Do the numerical and written amount entries match? Are the issuing account and routing numbers intact and legible? Did the issuer sign the check? (1) If those items are in order, check the back. Is the cashing signature present and valid? Are there cashing instructions for a partial deposit or full deposit? If the back entries are acceptable, complete a deposit slip for the teller. Deposit Slip Entries If using a pre-printed deposit slip, your name and address are already noted on the slip. If using a counter deposit slip, enter this information in the noted areas. The routing and account numbers on a pre-printed slip identify into whose account the check will be credited and the branch hosting the account. If the number sets are [...]